Thursday, September 12, 2013

Review: L'Oreal Total Repair 5 damage erasing balm

Alright guys, confession... I straighten my hair pretty much every single day.. I know, I know, it's super bad, but I honestly hate my natural hair. It's really... Big. I like having nice, sleek hair that's easy to manage and looks nice, so I straighten it. The only bad thing about this is my hair gets damaged very easily , and within a week of getting my hair cut, it's rough and feels damaged. I know I should use a heat protectant, but honestly... I forget. So, I started looking for something that could reverse damage, and voila! I found this! 

This product works like a dream. All you have to do is, after your done washing your hair, grab a glob of this and work it through the ends of your hair. Wait about 5 minutes and rinse it out. That's it. You'll notice an immediate difference in the texture of your hair after the first use. It's almost like it seals the split ends. My hair is so much easier to brush now, and it's very soft and smooth! When I straighten it, it looks like I just got a haircut that day, and it feels like it too. The greatest thing about this product? You can get it for about $5-$7 at the drugstore and that lasts a pretty long time! I've had mine for maybe a month and I use it everyday and I'd say I'm about half done with it. Now, if you don't straighten your hair or your hair isn't as bad as mine was, you don't have to use it everyday, and once a week will suffice, but I prefer to use mine like a conditioner. I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Let me know what your favorite hair products are below! 


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